Sales: 800-594-5562 Support: 877-899-4242


ProCredit Training Curriculum

  1. Running Instant Screen
    1. Entering customers (Manually & DL Scan)
    2. Submitting - Tier Results
    3. Printing Certificate / Checking Box
  2. Running Credit Bureaus
    1. Entering Customers Name (Manually & DL Scan)
    2. Co-App
    3. Submitting for Credit Bureau Results
    4. Red Flags
    5. Accessing the Bureau
    6. OFAC
    7. Print Button Documents
      1. Test Drive
      2. Credit Authorization
      3. Privacy Notice
      4. Guest Info Sheet
  1. Credit Application
    1. Applicant Tab
    2. Co-applicant Tab
    3. References
    4. Trade/Insurance Info
    5. Other
    6. Print button
  2. Submitting Deals
    1. Slide Out Screen
    2. Deal Structure
    3. Submitting Deals to Route One/DT/Fax Lenders
    4. Submittal Configuration button
    5. Callback History
  3. Prospect Log
    1. Different Available Logs
    2. Log Date
    3. Transferring/Merging/Deleting Customers
    4. Recall
    5. Customer Status
    6. Adverse Action Letters
    7. Customer Workscreen
      1. Adding Notes
  1. F&I Log
  2. Reports
    1. Credit Bureau Invoice Detail
    2. Incident Report
    3. Instant Screen Invoice Detail
  3. Administrator Tab
    1. Dealer Config
      1. Dealership Information / Setup
      2. User Access Settings
      3. Adding Users
      4. Computer Authorizations
    1. Lender Criteria
    2. Dealer Groups
  1. Message Center
  1. Ez-Up


ProCredit is an authorized reseller for all three of the major credit reporting agencies. We provide a total solution to your credit reporting needs and more.


Phone: 1-800-594-5562
